Monday 22 July 2013

Sad Friendship Quotes

Sad Friendship Quotes Definition

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Love can make you laugh; love can make you cry. This page is dedicated to people who have experienced the sorrowful side of love. These sad love quotes reflect your emotions, share your grief and teach you to build your life once again. Read carefully and you will derive a lot of meaning in these valuable sad love quotes. Indeed some of the most poignant of all quotes are in fact sad quotes. Love is another important human relationship to some people after friendship. Showing care as well as love to your darling one will help you to enjoy, have fun, make you cry, dispirited etc. Love has equivalent power that makes the people to show all sorts of feelings. This page will suit best to the readers who have experience in sorrows occurred in love.Some of the sad quotes about love that are going to be mentioned here will again take you to the former blessed days before the sadness started. These sad quotes will also assist you in learning on resolution of life to live. The succeeding are some of the sad quotes in love and they are: Sadness can be said as the word that has got speechless expressions- People who are depressed with something will not have words to explain them because depression stops them in speaking. Majority of the sadness’ have various meanings- As mentioned before, sadness would have a very deep meaning and majority of them could be expressed in very few words. Expressing unlimited love will result in possessiveness. This is one of the wonderful sad quotes and this is the main reason for the relationship to get break. Love is different from possessiveness but possessiveness occurs only because of love. Showing too much care as well as love will result in relationship break-up at a short period of time. Even relationship break-up is also possible if no proper care or love is shown. At the same time, excess love will make each other uncomfortable and results in unwanted fights during the initial stage. Later on, silly fights will extend to major fights and chances are there for the relationship to get break. It will be very painful when you do not know that the person whom you love is in love with you. Sad quotes always reflect an honesty otherwise usually never mentioned. American English Stay in on Saturday night? What a sad idea! sadder and but wiserhaving learned something from an unpleasant experience: Sadness and grief are different from depression. Depression is a feeling of sadness with no apparent cause which lasts for longer than two weeks.Sadness and grief are reactions to tragedy and crisis. You feel sad when someone is sick or dies; you feel sad when you break up with a friend; you feel sad when you fail at a task. Sadness is the "feeling blue" sort of mood where you don't enjoy life much and mope around. Normal sadness will go away in less than two weeks. Depression is a condition caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. With depression, sadness is the most common symptom but it is far from the only one. All aspects of a person's life are negatively impacted, from work to personal relationships. It is a very common condition, with about 10 percent of the world's people being affected at some point in their life.  It is important to get prompt treatment because a full recovery is very possible.With depression, sadness is something all people experience and it often plays a role in causing the other symptoms a person has. Things like getting easily frustrated, not enjoying the activities that you used to, feeling guilty or worthless, and thoughts of suicide can all be tied to this underlying feeling. There are physical symptoms that can occur too, such as back pain, headaches, and fatigue. The combination of symptoms can be disabling for many people. The severity of the symptoms will vary greatly from person to person.When it comes to this disorder, it is important to get a definitive diagnosis. When you approach your doctor, he or she will likely begin with a physical exam and some laboratory tests to rule out anything physical that could be causing these symptoms, such as hypothyroidism. Once it is known that no physical disorder is causing your symptoms, a psychological evaluation is done. This step in the diagnostic process is done by a mental health provider in most cases. This evaluation will help to confirm the diagnosis of depression.

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